The LEGO Minifigure Adventure.

While sorting through my photographs I often come across various LEGO minifigure photos. I started taking these ten years ago for a bit of a laugh, a bit of experimentation, a few cards for friends and so on.

Looking at them now occasionally makes me cringe. Highlights are blown out, focusing is sometimes incorrect for the story and colours can merge the subjects. I desperately want to edit them, delete them or do them again. However, it is all part of the journey and hindsight is a wonderful thing. I then thought I might as well post them to the site. I will post the originals along with what memories (if any) I have when I took them.

I will upload five at a time via the blog. They will be uploaded in alphabetical order although I might find some missing ones along the way. This is the link to a page that will have all of them on as they are uploaded.

4 Out of 5

Star Wars theme. Shot inside. As you can tell I have quite a few Stormtrooper Minifigures so I had to put them to work. This was supposed to have the ambience of a cargo deck on a space ship. I used the grey LEGO road bases as a wall and floor and a single light source. The ‘joke’ came from a minifigure that happened to have flesh coloured trousers.

Aged Fun

This was taken outdoors. Backgrounds were always a problem, specifically background scenery. This would have been set up on a table on our back verandah. I had read this quote from somewhere (or heard it) and this is what I thought of. The City Pizza LEGO building was used very little as there wasn’t much to it. The chef is holding onto a Pizza tray although it looks more like a shield at this angle. The customer in the back left is taking a photo but the black of the camera makes this hard to work out.


I think this came from a conversation about what the word was for having a fear of cats. Then the ironic idea of someone stuck in a tree suffering from it rather than the usual cat stuck in a tree came up. It was shot outside with rocks and a tree twig as scenery. Having a minifigure that had a tattoo helped the ‘tough man’ description.

Aimee Blossom

I definitely remember this one as it was one of the very first. Taken on the ground and using the size of the blossom (rather out of focus) to emphasize a big smell. I’ve always thought that a good smell makes you want to stick your face in nice and close. Like a loaf of bread for example.

Shooting outside meant it was almost always sunny (this was in Alice Springs, Australia) and the harsh light caused havoc with highlights and so on. I hadn’t thought of any makeshift shading at that time.


This is from the joke ‘I had a dream that I was eating a giant marshmallow and in the morning, I discovered my pillow had vanished’.

This was taken in the later years as while it was still outside, there was makeshift shade. The dirt/sand was on a table and the twigs and bits of bush were stuck in for scenery. Tweezers were used to place items so as not to make finger ‘smooth’ marks on the sand. I remember this was a breezy day and the trees kept blowing over. The sand then got stuck to the marshmallow. The question, ‘Why am I doing this?’ also came up.